On Wednesdays, I will share links to websites that I have visited and used that has helped me a lot with regards to information, tips, and others. I visit these websites most of the time and this will be a great way to share what i know that may also help you in more ways than one.
Let me kick off this portion of my blog with a website that have been very helpful to me when it comes to hardware drivers. DriverGuide.com.
DriverGuide has been around since 1997, and I came across this webby through my cousin back in 2004. My PC back then was so busted that I needed his expertise that time. And since my PC was just given to me by my parents before it got busted, I don't have the necessary drivers for each and every piece of hardware installed on that PC. that's where my dearest cousin pointed me to driverguide.com.
DriverGuide is where you can find most of your old, outdated (but still working) and hard to find installation drivers that your old or new PC needs. The site is continuously updated, usually by members, so all you have to do is to type in the device name or model on the search box of their homepage and you will get install driver results that matches (or closely matches) your hardware. I don't know how many times I have used this site to download any driver I need (I also troubleshooted my boss' PC) and it still never fails me.
Aside from downloading, the webby also offers helpful tips and how to's from members of the community, or provide links to helpful tutorials, valuable utilities, and other resources. Oh, and membership is FREE, so you can download and upload files (and help the community).
This webby is really worth a look when it comes to install drivers, so if you lost a very important installation program for your device. look no further than DriverGuide.com!
Till another Webby Wednesday!
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