How to format an External Hard Disk to Fat32 in Windows 7

I wanted to use my 160gb external hard disk as a photo/music/video/other things hub for my limited storaged Playstation 3. You ask me why not just buy the console with a bigger internal hard disk for it? Well first, I have an extra spare external disk I can use, and second, I'm not the only one using the PS3 (I share it with my brothers). 
When I plugged the hard disk on the PS3, i was surprised that my console can't read the device! Wow! To think a next gen console can't recognize one! But the idiot in me realized after an extensive Googling (about 10 minutes), that the PS3 can read only Fat32 formatted devices. Well that's easy! just plug in my disk on the computer then click format! Or so I thought...

Where's FAT32?!?
I did not see any options for Fat32! I only saw exFAT and NTFS (which is by default, the format of my hard disk)! But when i plug in my usb flash drive, it shows a format option for Fat32! What?!? So the idiot in me again researched what was going on and this is what i found out...

As it turns out, Windows 7 doesn't allow any device above 32gb to be formatted to Fat32 (from what i read, can't remember the link though, it was a marketing strategy to promote NTFS). So how can I format my hard disk to what my PS3 needs? Read on below to find out!

The easiest and most efficient way to format your more than 32gb hard disk/usb device is by using Ridgecrop Consultants Ltd's program.

1. Download the file by clicking on the picture on their website (or here if you are lazy enough to visit their site).2. When windows asks you to run the program, click yes (note: you must allow admin privileges so you can open it).
3. Once the program starts, choose the drive you want to format, then click start. Your drive will be formatted to Fat32 in a matter of seconds.

That's it! Now you're external hard disk is formatted to Fat32! Credit is due to the guys at Ridgecrop Consultants Ltd! If you liked this program, please support them by donating from their website. Till the next tech tidBeATs!

P.S.: Here is also an great read regarding formatting (One of the websites i remember Googling before making this entry).

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